Generally speaking, I don't like to look as technologies that are thought of as "trends". Reason being is because as the word suggests, they are temporary by their very nature. Instead, my preference is to focus on identifying patterns of behavior, whether it be in the online marketplace or the general technology ecosystem.

For this post I will be looking at some of the current "trends" in the digital space, and determining which ones have come about as a result of real marketplace patterns as opposed to IT industry hype. These "trends" are the ones that I predict will have longevity, and the ones that I believe you should take a closer look at if you currently have or are looking to start an online business.

Here are what I believe to be to 2 "Trends" that online business owners should be paying attention to in 2021 and beyond.


No Contact Tech

No contact technologies are tech that enable people to digitally complete tasks that once had to be done in “meat space”. The idea of no contact tech has been accelerated since the sudden onset of the corona virus that has swept across the planet; forcing businesses and governments to quickly adapt to a new breed of germophobic disease conscious consumers who now prefer touch free interactions.

If you are thinking about starting a online business, or already have one, now is the time to start looking for opportunities where you can step in and provide a touch free solution for thing that currently require tactile interactions.


Online Learning

With over 1.6 billion children around the globe being sent home, and an equal number of parents stressed out about the future prospects of their TikTok obsessed teenager, there is now a huge demand for online learning platforms. Schools, Universities, as well as individuals interested in learning new and non-traditional skills are all looking for a solution they can use from the comfort of their homes.

This is a gigantic opportunity for online businesses to step in and provide high quality online learning experiences for this rapidly emerging market. If you have specialized knowledge on a subject matter, now is the time to invest into packaging this knowledge for distribution on the web. 

There is also the market of helping others to do just this. This space is ripe with opportunity.


If opportunities in any these rapidly expanding markets has sparked inspiration, and you are serious about bringing your solution to the digital market, you know where to find me.